2025 Legislative Priorities
Contact Executive Director Diana Ferguson at executivedirector@flera.org or FLERA President Beth Jackson at beth.jackson@ocfl.net for additional information. Click HERE for the 2025 FLERA priorities.
guiding principles
FLERA SUPPORTS legislation that provides flexibility for local control of environmental protection. FLERA opposes legislation that contains unfunded mandates or preemption of home rule authority relating to environmental regulations or programs.
Land Acquisition and Management
FLERA SUPPORTS full funding of the Florida Forever program for the acquisition of environmentally sensitive lands. FLERA supports an allocation from the Land Acquisition Trust Fund (LATF) for local government land management activities on environmentally sensitive state lands.
sea level rise and resiliency
FLERA SUPPORTS legislation that would provide funding for local government flood mitigation and resiliency projects…
Petroleum Storage Tanks
FLERA SUPPORTS full funding for Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) local government cleanup contracting. FLERA also supports full funding of local government storage tank compliance verification programs through contracts that provide commensurate compensation for the increased level of effort and expertise required to evaluate large and complex tank systems.
FLERA SUPPORTS legislation and full funding that enhances local governments’ ability to advance hazardous waste management initiatives and become more resilient and prepared for the safety of the citizens and the protection of drinking water at the community level. FLERA SUPPORTS full funding of local Hazardous Materials – Hazardous Waste programs, as well as full delegation of the hazardous wastes compliance assurance activities, as well as the emergency response cleanup and compliance assurance activities from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and DEP.
Air Quality
FLERA SUPPORTS full funding of local air quality programs, as well as full delegation of the ambient air quality monitoring programs and industrial air pollution source permitting and compliance assurance activities from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and DEP. FLERA also supports local program delegation of open burning authorizations and compliance assurance activities from the Division of Forestry (DOF) and DEP.
Water Quality & qUANTITY
FLERA SUPPORTS funding for improvements to wastewater and stormwater infrastructure that encourage the use of regional, nature-based solutions for wastewater and stormwater treatment, as these projects not only provide better treatment, but also increase property values, create habitat and enhances economic growth in the surrounding areas…
FLERA OPPOSES legislation that would allow electric utilities to pay solar customers less than the retail rate.
Additional Resources
The Florida House of Representatives